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Hello Members,

Hope some of you have achieved your 2016 goals or are on your way to achieving them. If you need any help or guidance with your training please come see one of the coaches and we will do our best to help you.

So…. where to start so much has happened over the last 4 months here at CrossFit Leyland and there is even more coming up so please take a read of our round up and the exciting things we have planned as 2016 comes to an end.

Winter is coming:

You’ve got TWO choices:

  1. A) Let all your hard work in the gym over summer go to waste, until next summer when you want to fit into that swim suit / see your abs again.
  2. B) Keep up the positive momentum that you’ve created and hang on to those summer gains! Make a lifestyle decision to be healthier all year around!

If option ‘B’ appeals to you, then here are 5 tips to help you stay on track this winter.

1) Consistency – turn up regularly! Don’t let your training times become ad hoc. Set aside your weekly training slots ahead of time and don’t give yourself the option of that last minute click on the ‘unregister’ button.

2) Home comforts – there’s something about colder nights, roaring fires and getting cosy on the sofa that influences our dietary habits. Occasional treats are fine, if they are just that …. occasional. Dieting is not advisable for sustained results, if you want year round results make a lifestyle choice and opt for healthy foods / drinks the majority of the time.

3) Preparation – Don’t leave things to chance / convenience. Plan meals, snacks, go food shopping and allow enough time to prep food. Prepare your gym bag the day before, set your alarm and make arrangements with your training partners. Preparation prevents poor performance!

4) Monitor activity – these days it’s easier than ever to gauge how active you are, or get an estimate on how many calories you have burned. An hour a day in the gym is great, but what you do in the remaining 23 hours of the day will largely determine your success.

5) Goal Setting – Goal setting doesn’t just have to be long term, or done exclusively in January. Increase your chances of success by setting short and medium term goals as well. What do you want to achieve today? This week? This month?


Masters at war

The weekend of 16/17th September we saw some of our members and coaches compete in Masters at War, mastersGary Stephenson, Jonathan Wareing, Vicki Brindle and Neil Ashton.

Masters at war is a mixed sex competition held at Manchester 3D. All pairings did fantastic and we even got a first place in the 70-79 category with Jonny and his partner.

For Vicki and Neil it was their first competition together. They did themselves and us proud on the day and achieved some awesome personal bests. Most importantly they enjoyed it! We love to see our members taking that next step into competing.



The “Rainhill Trials” is a CrossFit competition organised by TRAIN Manchester and INOV-8. Like competitive running events, the event is banded into categories from Beginners to Elite Athletes. The appropriately named Rocket targeting elite athletes, Kennedy next, then Rastrick and Wood focusing on beginner athletes.

The most recent competition was held on October 15 and 16th and we had a number of athletes and coaches competing: Jackie Day, Sophie Wilkinson, Kerry Sharples, Ben Bushinni Rebecca Hamlett, Chris Lowden, Lloyd Melling and Matthew Dewhurst.

For some this was their first ever CrossFit Competition. All our members did incredibly well in their categories and achieved their own personal goals.  They all did us proud!

What a fantastic weekend it was for the competitors and supporters.

rainhills-2 rainills

Sunday 2 October: Olympic Weightlifting Competition

On Sunday 2nd Octobeoly-picr we held our in house Olympic Weightlifting Competition. The athletes had to perform 2 max lifts, the snatch and the clean and jerk.  Well done to everyone who took part and a big congratulations to Sally Thompson and Jack hunt who came in first place, Ben Holloway and Karis Higson who took second and Erann Royle and Adam Stableford who took third.





Northern Weightlifting Open:

Our member Sally Thompson has been training hard in preparation for the Northern weightlifting open which she competed in down in Halifax on the 15th October. She had to perform 2 max lifts, the Clean and Jerk and the Snatch. She scored and impressive 112kg with both lifts combined in her weight category taking first place and securing her a place at the English Weightlifting Championships in January 2017. Well done Sally!

Rep it out:

Four of our members, Ben Holloway, Phil McDonald, Erann Royle and Georgina Burton all took part in a repsingle sex pairs competition over in Halifax, ‘REP IT OUT’ on the 9th October. The competition was set to challenge you whatever level you are at. After 3 gruelling qualifiers both pairs qualified in the top 120 therefore securing their place at the competition. Their training paid off and they all placed in great positions on the day. Well done guys!




Coalition games:

On the 22/23rd October our coaches Gina Yates and Jonathan Wareing and members Cathy and Christian Wilson took part in ‘The Coalition Games’. This is a 4 Athlete Team Competition consisting of 2 Men & 2 Women over one weekend with some of the best in Europe.

Gina competed with the ICON team and Jonny, Cathy and Christian competed in a team with a member from another box.

It was a great day all round with Gina’s team taking first place in the RX category and Jonny, Cathy and Christian taking first place in the masters category. What a weekend for CROSSFIT LEYLAND!!!












Upcoming Competitions:

Form fitness series Partner Competition:

On Sunday 30 October Ben Bushini, Phil McDonald, Matt Dewhurst, Georgina Burton and Rebecca Hamlett are all taking part in a same sex partner competition at Form Leeds.

If you would like to come down and show your support the competition details are as below:

Address: Form Leeds, 6 Leodis Court, Leeds, LS11 5JJ.

Time: Start 8am

Glacier Games

Coaches Matt Dewhurst and Chris Lowden have qualified for the Glacier games after 4 gruelling qualifiers. The competition will take place on Sunday December 4th up in Gateshead. They will compete on track and field as well as the indoor arena ensuring all elements of fitness are covered. GOOD LUCK GUYS!!!

Spectator details to follow in due course.

Barbells Competition

Due to the huge success of the Ladies Barbells workshops hosted by our very own Gina Yates and two regional athletes Becky Pykett and Aneta Tucker we are now holding a Barbells Competition on Sunday 27th November.

This is for ladies only and open to all abilities. It is a great opportunity to put your training to the test and to see how you perform in a competitive environment.


Couch to CrossFit

Due to the huge success of our last Couch to CrossFit we are running another one. The course recently started on the 23rd October and will run every Sunday from 11-12 for 8 weeks. We hope to introduce more people to CrossFit this way to show the world that CrossFit really is for everyone.

New classes:

Since September we have introduced two new classes to the timetable due to demand from our members:

Kids class on a Thursday at 4.30pm


Strength and Power Weightlifting on Wednesday at 5.30pm.

Both classes have proven to be a huge success.

Coach development Programme

This year CrossFit Leyland has put together a Coach Development Programme. Five of our members have been accepted on the course and are now completing a 13 week in house programme as well as taking their Level 1 CrossFit Course. Good luck guys.

Social Events

Bring your partner day  

On Saturday 5th November it is bring your partner day. Come down and train together. Show them what it is you go on about all the time!!!!. It doesn’t matter whether your partner has done CrossFit before as the workout will be programmed so that everyone can get involved and have a good workout.

Christmas Party

On Saturday 2christmas-party-poster6th November we are holding our annual Christmas Party at Tino’s in Preston. The evening will start at 7.30pm and will include a sit down meal at 8.15 followed by dancing.

We have nearly 100 people booked on so I am sure it is going to be a good night. Get your party outfit ready!!


Saturday 17th December Secret Santa

This year we will be holding our annual secret Santa. If you would like to be involved please put your name down on the sign up sheet upstairs. The budget is £5.00 and all the presents need to be under the tree by Friday 16th December ready for the Saturday class.

Secret Santa will take place after the 10am Saturday WOD.


Christmas Opening hours

24th December Christmas EveNormal Opening Hours
25th December Christmas DayClosed
26th December Boxing Day9-11 (9.30am class)
27th December8-12 (8am, 9am, 10am class/11-12 open gym)
28th December8.30-11 (9.30am class) 4.30-7.30pm class (4.30,5.30,6.30)
29th December4.30-8.30 ( 4.30,5.30,6.30,7.30 class)
30th DecemberNormal Opening Hours
31st DecemberNormal Opening Hours
1st January 2017Closed
2nd January 2017Normal opening hours from now on

Personal Training

We still have a few slots available if anyone is interested? Do you want to get fit for the new year? PT sessions can focus upon any element that you feel you need to work on (Olympic Weightlifting, CrossFit, Gymnastics, Kettlebells. Mobility etc). We have seen great improvements in those who have chosen this route due to the 1:1 attention they receive.

Physiotherapy/Sports Massage

Massages don’t just feel great, they also provide excellent recovery assistance for CrossFit athletes.

Getting a regular massage once a month or more can help you reduce soreness and risk of injury while increasing mobility so you can perform better.

During high intensity exercise, lactic acid and general toxins from acidity increase in your muscles. Your body can naturally clear lactic acid and toxins with time and rest, however massage can help expedite the process, especially when you are working out often.

Other benefits of massage include:

  1. Massage lengthens fascia and muscle easing it back into place. This increases range of motion and has the added benefit of making your muscles look more toned.
  2. Increases blood flow and circulation getting more oxygen into your body.
  3. Decreases and anxiety and stress.
  4. Helps reduce pain and inflammation in the joints, tendons, nerves and bones.

We have available a variety of specialisms for you:

Emma Hunter – Sports Therapy (available all day Monday, and Wednesday and Friday upon request)

Christine Potter – Physiotherapist (available Tuesday evenings)

Alan Watmough  – Sports Massage (available all day Thursdays)


We really value your feedback (positive or negative). This is really important to help us improve and develop, so please don’t be shy, our office door is always open. Remember we have suggestions boxes scattered around the gym if you would prefer your suggestion to be anonymous.

2017 is nearly upon us and we have lots more in store for the NEW YEAR so keep your eye out for the January Newsletter!!

The post CROSSFIT LEYLAND NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2016 appeared first on CrossFit Leyland.

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